A : In order to use ipsunflez, you need to have basic knowedge of php and Relational Database, that is MySQL and phpMyAdmin.
There are a lot of such tutorials in the web, You don't need to be very familiar with the above, a basic knowledge will do. So just spend half an hour to learn these, after that you can view ipsunflez demo at Here.
Q : Could you please explain the Excel Template?
A :
1) Copy and paste Sheet : [Tbl,Form,Page] will insert tables, Forms and pages into database.
2) Copy and paste Sheet : [fld,frmfld] will insert table_fields and Forms_details into database.
i) [FieldName] is the field name that will be created in database
ii) [TblNo] please follow [TableID] in sheet [Tbl,Form,Page]
iii) [tbfldtype] is the database field type, please follow table [ztblfldtype] or pg=11150
iv) [vlidation] please follow zzmain/amain/putup/outfit/vlidatelag/vlidate3a.php, if there is non that suit you, please create it yourself at this php file.
v) [Description] is the name displayed in your form
vi) [fldytpe] is the FORM field type(DIFFERENCE from iii) [tbfldtype] above), please follow table [zfldtype] or pg=13050
vii) [fldid] is the [FieldID], you may follow back the [FieldID] this table or use the [FieldID] from the table this form based on
3) Sheet [jvvlidate] is the javascript validation for fields, you can either use this validation or 2)iv)
4) Sheet [Link] is use to update field [link_fldid] and [link_fldval] for table
[zfrmfld] for 3)vi) [fldytpe] = 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 27, 37, 39, 41, 51
5) Sheet [menu] is use to add menu to database
Q : Could you please explain the pgs type?
A :
pgs=1 [Detail]
pgs=2 [Detail Listing]
pgs=3 [Search]
pgs=4 [Edit]
pgs=5 [Edit Multiple]
pgs=6 [New (Multiple)]
pgs=7 [New]
pgs=8 [Detail - Multiple]
pgs=9 [Edit Multiple(Vertical)]
pgs=10 [Detail - Multiple(w/o fname)]
pgs=11 [XML - ID]
pgs=12 [XML - value]
pgs=13 [CSV - ID]
pgs=14 [CSV - value]
pgs=15 [General Journal]
pgs=17 [Mutiple Form - 3Level6subform]
pgs=18 [Mutiple Form - 3Level6subform - Search]
pgs=19 [Mutiple Form - 4Level4subform]
pgs=20 [Mutiple Form - 4Level4subform - Search]
pgs=22 [List fr checkbox]
pgs=100 [Generate - Multiline Graph]
pgs=200 [Multiline Graph]
pgs=101 [Generate -Ending Balance Graph]
pgs=201 [Ending Balance Graph]
Q : Why images not display in Demand Cart pg=7041800&pgs=19?
A :
1) Replace the image link at ahidden/config9.php
2) Replace the link [http://localhost/test/ipsunflez_vnew1/] in all your php file with your website link. Yo can do this by download this php file here(Remember to modify the file with your website link). Install the file in the same level with zzmain folder and run this php file.
3) Modify the following config files :
1ine15 to line17 with your database details :
define("DB_USER", "root");
define("DB_PASS", "");
define("DB_NAME", "zzzsubp1021");
4) Modify the following database records :
Database table : zzspec17
field : imagesite
Record id : 2, 5, 41, 45
to your website link (as per 2) above)
Q : How to implement ipsunflez form into Wordpress?
A :
1) Create a Wordpress page as usual.
2) Click [Edit using Pagelayer]
3) Click [Add New Row], click +, click [Rich Text]
Q : Regarding your Wordpress template, which 32 tables are included there?
A : Following are tables in our template
1) posts
2) postmeta
3) db7_forms
4) comments
5) commentmeta
6) links
7) options
8) terms
9) termmeta
10) term_relationships
11) term_taxonomy
12) users
13) usermeta
14) rank_math_internal_meta
15) rank_math_internal_links
16) yoast_primary_term
17) yoast_indexable
18) yoast_indexable_hierarchy
19) yoast_seo_links
20) yoast_migrations
21) actionscheduler_groups
22) actionscheduler_actions
23) actionscheduler_logs
24) actionscheduler_claims
25) wpforms_db
26) wpforms_payments
27) wpforms_payment_meta
28) wpforms_tasks_meta
29) wpforms_logs
30) e_events
31) litespeed_url
32) litespeed_url_file